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TokuDB Performance Schema integration

Starting with Percona Server for MySQL 8.0.28-19 (2022-05-12), the TokuDB storage engine is no longer supported. For more information, see the TokuDB Introduction and TokuDB version changes.

TokuDB is integrated with Performance Schema

This integration can be used for profiling additional TokuDB operations.

TokuDB instruments available in Performance Schema can be seen in PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA.SETUP_INSTRUMENTS table:

mysql> SELECT * FROM performance_schema.setup_instruments WHERE NAME LIKE "%/fti/%";

The output could be the following:

| NAME                                                       | ENABLED | TIMED |
| wait/synch/mutex/fti/kibbutz_mutex                         | NO      | NO    |
| wait/synch/mutex/fti/minicron_p_mutex                      | NO      | NO    |
| wait/synch/mutex/fti/queue_result_mutex                    | NO      | NO    |
| wait/synch/mutex/fti/tpool_lock_mutex                      | NO      | NO    |
| wait/synch/mutex/fti/workset_lock_mutex                    | NO      | NO    |
| wait/synch/mutex/fti/bjm_jobs_lock_mutex                   | NO      | NO    |
| wait/synch/mutex/fti/log_internal_lock_mutex               | NO      | NO    |
| wait/synch/mutex/fti/cachetable_ev_thread_lock_mutex       | NO      | NO    |
| wait/synch/mutex/fti/cachetable_disk_nb_mutex              | NO      | NO    |
| wait/synch/mutex/fti/safe_file_size_lock_mutex             | NO      | NO    |
| wait/synch/mutex/fti/cachetable_m_mutex_key                | NO      | NO    |
| wait/synch/mutex/fti/checkpoint_safe_mutex                 | NO      | NO    |
| wait/synch/mutex/fti/ft_ref_lock_mutex                     | NO      | NO    |
| wait/synch/mutex/fti/ft_open_close_lock_mutex              | NO      | NO    |
| wait/synch/mutex/fti/loader_error_mutex                    | NO      | NO    |
| wait/synch/mutex/fti/bfs_mutex                             | NO      | NO    |
| wait/synch/mutex/fti/loader_bl_mutex                       | NO      | NO    |
| wait/synch/mutex/fti/loader_fi_lock_mutex                  | NO      | NO    |
| wait/synch/mutex/fti/loader_out_mutex                      | NO      | NO    |
| wait/synch/mutex/fti/result_output_condition_lock_mutex    | NO      | NO    |
| wait/synch/mutex/fti/block_table_mutex                     | NO      | NO    |
| wait/synch/mutex/fti/rollback_log_node_cache_mutex         | NO      | NO    |
| wait/synch/mutex/fti/txn_lock_mutex                        | NO      | NO    |
| wait/synch/mutex/fti/txn_state_lock_mutex                  | NO      | NO    |
| wait/synch/mutex/fti/txn_child_manager_mutex               | NO      | NO    |
| wait/synch/mutex/fti/txn_manager_lock_mutex                | NO      | NO    |
| wait/synch/mutex/fti/treenode_mutex                        | NO      | NO    |
| wait/synch/mutex/fti/locktree_request_info_mutex           | NO      | NO    |
| wait/synch/mutex/fti/locktree_request_info_retry_mutex_key | NO      | NO    |
| wait/synch/mutex/fti/manager_mutex                         | NO      | NO    |
| wait/synch/mutex/fti/manager_escalation_mutex              | NO      | NO    |
| wait/synch/mutex/fti/db_txn_struct_i_txn_mutex             | NO      | NO    |
| wait/synch/mutex/fti/manager_escalator_mutex               | NO      | NO    |
| wait/synch/mutex/fti/indexer_i_indexer_lock_mutex          | NO      | NO    |
| wait/synch/mutex/fti/indexer_i_indexer_estimate_lock_mutex | NO      | NO    |
| wait/synch/mutex/fti/fti_probe_1                           | NO      | NO    |
| wait/synch/rwlock/fti/multi_operation_lock                 | NO      | NO    |
| wait/synch/rwlock/fti/low_priority_multi_operation_lock    | NO      | NO    |
| wait/synch/rwlock/fti/cachetable_m_list_lock               | NO      | NO    |
| wait/synch/rwlock/fti/cachetable_m_pending_lock_expensive  | NO      | NO    |
| wait/synch/rwlock/fti/cachetable_m_pending_lock_cheap      | NO      | NO    |
| wait/synch/rwlock/fti/cachetable_m_lock                    | NO      | NO    |
| wait/synch/rwlock/fti/result_i_open_dbs_rwlock             | NO      | NO    |
| wait/synch/rwlock/fti/checkpoint_safe_rwlock               | NO      | NO    |
| wait/synch/rwlock/fti/cachetable_value                     | NO      | NO    |
| wait/synch/rwlock/fti/safe_file_size_lock_rwlock           | NO      | NO    |
| wait/synch/rwlock/fti/cachetable_disk_nb_rwlock            | NO      | NO    |
| wait/synch/cond/fti/result_state_cond                      | NO      | NO    |
| wait/synch/cond/fti/bjm_jobs_wait                          | NO      | NO    |
| wait/synch/cond/fti/cachetable_p_refcount_wait             | NO      | NO    |
| wait/synch/cond/fti/cachetable_m_flow_control_cond         | NO      | NO    |
| wait/synch/cond/fti/cachetable_m_ev_thread_cond            | NO      | NO    |
| wait/synch/cond/fti/bfs_cond                               | NO      | NO    |
| wait/synch/cond/fti/result_output_condition                | NO      | NO    |
| wait/synch/cond/fti/manager_m_escalator_done               | NO      | NO    |
| wait/synch/cond/fti/lock_request_m_wait_cond               | NO      | NO    |
| wait/synch/cond/fti/queue_result_cond                      | NO      | NO    |
| wait/synch/cond/fti/ws_worker_wait                         | NO      | NO    |
| wait/synch/cond/fti/rwlock_wait_read                       | NO      | NO    |
| wait/synch/cond/fti/rwlock_wait_write                      | NO      | NO    |
| wait/synch/cond/fti/rwlock_cond                            | NO      | NO    |
| wait/synch/cond/fti/tp_thread_wait                         | NO      | NO    |
| wait/synch/cond/fti/tp_pool_wait_free                      | NO      | NO    |
| wait/synch/cond/fti/frwlock_m_wait_read                    | NO      | NO    |
| wait/synch/cond/fti/kibbutz_k_cond                         | NO      | NO    |
| wait/synch/cond/fti/minicron_p_condvar                     | NO      | NO    |
| wait/synch/cond/fti/locktree_request_info_retry_cv_key     | NO      | NO    |
| wait/io/file/fti/tokudb_data_file                          | YES     | YES   |
| wait/io/file/fti/tokudb_load_file                          | YES     | YES   |
| wait/io/file/fti/tokudb_tmp_file                           | YES     | YES   |
| wait/io/file/fti/tokudb_log_file                           | YES     | YES   |

For TokuDB-related objects, following clauses can be used when querying Performance Schema tables:

  • WHERE EVENT_NAME LIKE '%fti%' or

  • WHERE NAME LIKE '%fti%'

For example, to get the information about TokuDB related events you can query PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA.events_waits_summary_global_by_event_name like:

mysql> SELECT * FROM performance_schema.events_waits_summary_global_by_event_name WHERE EVENT_NAME LIKE '%fti%';

The output could be the following:

| wait/synch/mutex/fti/kibbutz_mutex      |          0 |              0 |              0 |              0 |              0 |
| wait/synch/mutex/fti/minicron_p_mutex   |          0 |              0 |              0 |              0 |              0 |
| wait/synch/mutex/fti/queue_result_mutex |          0 |              0 |              0 |              0 |              0 |
| wait/synch/mutex/fti/tpool_lock_mutex   |          0 |              0 |              0 |              0 |              0 |
| wait/synch/mutex/fti/workset_lock_mutex |          0 |              0 |              0 |              0 |              0 |
| wait/io/file/fti/tokudb_data_file       |         30 |      179862410 |              0 |        5995080 |       68488420 |
| wait/io/file/fti/tokudb_load_file       |          0 |              0 |              0 |              0 |              0 |
| wait/io/file/fti/tokudb_tmp_file        |          0 |              0 |              0 |              0 |              0 |
| wait/io/file/fti/tokudb_log_file        |       1367 |  2925647870145 |              0 |     2140195785 |    12013357720 |
71 rows in set (0.02 sec)

Last update: 2025-03-17