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Use an APT repository to install Percona Server for MySQL 8.0

Ready-to-use packages are available from the Percona Server for MySQL software repositories and the Percona downloads page.

Specific information on the supported platforms, products, and versions is described in Percona Software and Platform Lifecycle.

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Version changes

Starting with Percona Server 8.0.37-29, the following operating systems on Percona Software Download include ARM64 packages with the arm64.deb extension:

  • Debian GNU/Linux 12.0

  • Debian GNU/Linux 11.0

  • Ubuntu 24.04

  • Ubuntu 22.04

  • Ubuntu 20.04

Install Percona Server for MySQL using APT

  1. This command line instruction uses the apt command to update the package lists for upgrades and new package installations.

    • sudo is a command that allows you to run programs with the security privileges of another user, by default, as the superuser. Updating the package lists typically requires superuser or ‘root’ privileges.

    • apt is a command-line interface that handles package management in Debian and its derivatives.

    • update option resynchronizes the package index files from the sources specified in the system’s sources.list file. You should run this command regularly to get the latest package updates.

    $ sudo apt update
  2. This command line instruction uses superuser privileges to install the curl package using the apt package manager. curl is a command-line tool used to transfer data using various network protocols.

    $ sudo apt install curl
  3. This command line instruction uses curl to download the percona-release_latest.generic_all.deb file from the location.

    The -0 option saves the downloaded file with the same name used in the URL.

    $ curl -O
  4. The following command uses the apt command to install multiple packages. gnupg2 is the GNU Privacy Guard that provides cryptographic privacy and authentication. lsb-release is a Linux utility that provides certain Linux Standard Base (LSB) and distribution-specific information. ./percona-release_latest.generic_all.deb is a Debian package in the current directory.

    $ sudo apt install gnupg2 lsb-release ./percona-release_latest.generic_all.deb
  5. The following command uses superuser privileges to update the package lists from the repositories so that the system knows about the latest versions of packages and their dependencies.

    $ sudo apt update
  6. This command line instruction uses percona-release command, a tool provided by Percona, to set up a specific Percona Server version.

    $ sudo percona-release setup ps80
  7. You can check the repository setup for the Percona original release list in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/percona-original-release.list. The APT system uses this file to know where to find updates and new packages for Percona software.

  8. This command uses the apt command to install the percona-server-server package.

    $ sudo apt install percona-server-server

See Configuring Percona repositories with percona-release for more information.

Starting with Percona Server for MySQL 8.0.28-19 (2022-05-12), the TokuDB storage engine is no longer supported. For more information, see the TokuDB Introduction and TokuDB version changes.

Percona Server for MySQL contains user-defined functions from the Percona Toolkit. These user-defined functions provide faster checksums. For more details on the user-defined functions, see Percona Toolkit UDF functions.

After the installation completes, run the following commands to create these functions:


Install the Percona Testing repository using APT

Percona offers pre-release builds from the testing repository. As a superuser, run percona-release with the testing argument to enable it.

$ sudo percona-release enable ps80 testing

Do not run testing repository builds in production. The build may not contain all the features available in the final release and may change without notice.

Last update: 2025-03-17