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TokuDB background ANALYZE TABLE

Starting with Percona Server for MySQL 8.0.28-19 (2022-05-12), the TokuDB storage engine is no longer supported. For more information, see the TokuDB Introduction and TokuDB version changes.

*Percona Server for MySQL can automatically analyze tables in the background based on a measured change in data. This has been done by implementing the background job manager that can perform operations on a background thread.

Background Jobs

Background jobs and schedule are transient in nature and are not persisted anywhere. Any currently running job will be terminated on shutdown and all scheduled jobs will be forgotten about on server restart. There can’t be two jobs on the same table scheduled or running at any one point in time. If you manually invoke an ANALYZE TABLE that conflicts with either a pending or running job, the running job will be canceled and the users task will run immediately in the foreground. All the scheduled and running background jobs can be viewed by querying the TOKUDB_BACKGROUND_JOB_STATUS table.

New tokudb_analyze_in_background variable has been implemented in order to control if the ANALYZE TABLE will be dispatched to the background process or if it will be running in the foreground. To control the function of ANALYZE TABLE a new tokudb_analyze_mode variable has been implemented. This variable offers options to cancel any running or scheduled job on the specified table (TOKUDB_ANALYZE_CANCEL), use existing analysis algorithm (TOKUDB_ANALYZE_STANDARD), or to recount the logical rows in table and update persistent count (TOKUDB_ANALYZE_RECOUNT_ROWS).

TOKUDB_ANALYZE_RECOUNT_ROWS is a new mechanism that is used to perform a logical recount of all rows in a table and persist that as the basis value for the table row estimate. This mode was added for tables that have been upgraded from an older version of TokuDB that only reported physical row counts and never had a proper logical row count. Newly created tables/partitions will begin counting logical rows correctly from their creation and should not need to be recounted unless some odd edge condition causes the logical count to become inaccurate over time. This analysis mode has no effect on the table cardinality counts. It will take the currently set session values for tokudb_analyze_in_background, and tokudb_analyze_throttle. Changing the global or session instances of these values after scheduling will have no effect on the job.

Any background job, both pending and running, can be canceled by setting the tokudb_analyze_mode to TOKUDB_ANALYZE_CANCEL and issuing the ANALYZE TABLE on the table for which you want to cancel all the jobs for.

Auto analysis

To implement the background analysis and gathering of cardinality statistics on a TokuDB tables new delta value is now maintained in memory for each TokuDB table. This value is not persisted anywhere and it is reset to 0 on a server start. It is incremented for each INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE command and ignores the impact of transactions (rollback specifically). When this delta value exceeds the tokudb_auto_analyze percentage of rows in the table an analysis is performed according to the current session’s settings. Other analysis for this table will be disabled until this analysis completes. When this analysis completes, the delta is reset to 0 to begin recalculating table changes for the next potential analysis.

Status values are now reported to server immediately upon completion of any analysis (previously new status values were not used until the table has been closed and re-opened). Half-time direction reversal of analysis has been implemented, meaning that if a tokudb_analyze_time is in effect and the analysis has not reached the half way point of the index by the time tokudb_analyze_time/2 has been reached: it will stop the forward progress and restart the analysis from the last/rightmost row in the table, progressing leftwards and keeping/adding to the status information accumulated from the first half of the scan.

For small ratios of table_rows / tokudb_auto_analyze, auto analysis will be run for almost every change. The trigger formula is: if (table_delta >= ((table_rows \* tokudb_auto_analyze) / 100)) then run ANALYZE TABLE. If a user manually invokes an ANALYZE TABLE and tokudb_auto_analyze is enabled and there are no conflicting background jobs, the users ANALYZE TABLE will behave exactly as if the delta level has been exceeded in that the analysis is executed and delta reset to 0 upon completion.

System Variables


Option Description
Command-line Yes
Config file Yes
Scope Global/Session
Dynamic Yes
Data type Boolean
Default ON

When this variable is set to ON it will dispatch any ANALYZE TABLE job to a background process and return immediately, otherwise ANALYZE TABLE will run in foreground/client context.


Option Description
Command-line Yes
Config file Yes
Scope Global/Session
Dynamic Yes
Data type ENUM

This variable is used to control the function of ANALYZE TABLE. Possible values are:

* `TOKUDB_ANALYZE_CANCEL` - Cancel any running or scheduled job on the specified table.

* `TOKUDB_ANALYZE_STANDARD` - Use existing analysis algorithm. This is the standard table cardinality analysis mode used to obtain cardinality statistics for a tables and its indexes. It will take the currently set session values for tokudb_analyze_time, tokudb_analyze_in_background, and tokudb_analyze_throttle at the time of its scheduling, either via a user invoked `ANALYZE TABLE` or an auto schedule as a result of tokudb_auto_analyze threshold being hit. Changing the global or session instances of these values after scheduling will have no effect on the scheduled job.

* `TOKUDB_ANALYZE_RECOUNT_ROWS` - Recount logical rows in table and update persistent count. This is a new mechanism that is used to perform a logical recount of all rows in a table and persist that as the basis value for the table row estimate. This mode was added for tables that have been upgraded from an older version of *TokuDB*/PerconaFT that only reported physical row counts and never had a proper logical row count. Newly created tables/partitions will begin counting logical rows correctly from their creation and should not need to be recounted unless some odd edge condition causes the logical count to become inaccurate over time. This analysis mode has no effect on the table cardinality counts. It will take the currently set session values for tokudb_analyze_in_background, and tokudb_analyze_throttle. Changing the global or session instances of these values after scheduling will have no effect on the job.


Option Description
Command-line Yes
Config file Yes
Scope Global/Session
Dynamic Yes
Data type Numeric
Default 0

This variable is used to define maximum number of keys to visit per second when performing ANALYZE TABLE with either a TOKUDB_ANALYZE_STANDARD or TOKUDB_ANALYZE_RECOUNT_ROWS.


Option Description
Command-line Yes
Config file Yes
Scope Global/Session
Dynamic Yes
Data type Numeric
Default 5

This session variable controls the number of seconds an analyze operation will spend on each index when calculating cardinality. Cardinality is shown by executing the following command:


If an analyze is never performed on a table then the cardinality is 1 for primary key indexes and unique secondary indexes, and NULL (unknown) for all other indexes. Proper cardinality can lead to improved performance of complex SQL statements.


Option Description
Command-line Yes
Config file Yes
Scope Global/Session
Dynamic Yes
Data type Numeric
Default 30

Percentage of table change as INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE commands to trigger an ANALYZE TABLE using the current session tokudb_analyze_in_background, tokudb_analyze_mode, tokudb_analyze_throttle, and tokudb_analyze_time settings. If this variable is enabled and tokudb_analyze_in_background variable is set to OFF, analysis will be performed directly within the client thread context that triggered the analysis. NOTE: InnoDB enabled this functionality by default when they introduced it. Due to the potential unexpected new load it might place on a server, it is disabled by default in TokuDB.


Option Description
Command-line Yes
Config file Yes
Scope Global/Session
Dynamic Yes
Data type Numeric
Default 100
Range 0-100

Percentage to scale table/index statistics when sending to the server to make an index appear to be either more or less unique than it actually is. InnoDB has a hard coded scaling factor of 50%. So if a table of 200 rows had an index with 40 unique values, InnoDB would return 200/40/2 or 2 for the index. The new TokuDB formula is the same but factored differently to use percent, for the same table.index (200/40 * tokudb_cardinality_scale) / 100, for a scale of 50% the result would also be 2 for the index.



Column Name Description
‘id’ ‘Simple monotonically incrementing job id, resets to 0 on server start.’
‘database_name’ ‘Database name’
‘table_name’ ‘Table name’
‘job_params’ ‘Param values used by this job in string format. For example: TOKUDB_ANALYZE_DELETE_TIME=1.0; TOKUDB_ANALYZE_TIME=5; TOKUDB_ANALYZE_THROTTLE=2048;’
‘scheduler’ ‘Either USER or AUTO to indicate if the job was explicitly scheduled by a user or if it was scheduled as an automatic trigger’
‘scheduled_time’ ‘The time the job was scheduled’
‘started_time’ ‘The time the job was started’
‘status’ ‘Current job status if running. For example: ANALYZE TABLE standard db.tbl.idx 3 of 5 50% rows 10% time scanning forward’

This table holds the information on scheduled and running background ANALYZE TABLE jobs for TokuDB tables.

Last update: 2025-03-17