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Audit Log Filter file format overview

When an auditable event occurs, the plugin writes a record to the log file.

After the plugin starts, the first record lists the description of the server and the options at startup. After the first record, the auditable events are connections, disconnections, SQL statements executed, and so on. Statements within stored procedures or triggers are not logged, only the top-level statements.

If files are referenced by LOAD_DATA, the contents are not logged.

Set with the audit_log_filter_format system variable at startup. The available format types are the following;

Format Type Command Description
XML (new style) audit_log_filter_format=NEW The default format
XML (old style) audit_log_filter_format=OLD The original version of the XML format
JSON audit_log_filter_format=JSON Files written as a JSON array

By default, the file contents in the new-style XML format are not compressed or encrypted.

Changing the audit_log_filter_format, you should also change the audit_log_filter_file name. For example, changing the audit_log_filter_format to JSON, change the audit_log_filter_file to audit.json. If you don’t change the audit_log_filter_file name, then all audit log filter files have the same base name and you won’t be able to easily find when the format changed.

Last update: 2025-03-17